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Web development

A dog meetup web application for social dogs

My role

6 weeks
Web development
Web application
Javascript, HTML, Ajax, node.js, chart.js, leaflet map,


This project was realized during my second year of study in Human Computer Interaction.

The goal of the project is to develop a web application including a map and elevation profile using server and client sides. The data format we used is GPX.

With my partner, we designed social web application for dog.


We present Doggyting, a dog meetup web application designed for dogs who are eager to meet new friends. Several applications exist but we didn’t find any that would satisfy us. Indeed, most of them are actually meeting applications for owners who involve dogs as a topic to meet new people, or applications that involve the owner to keep contact with the other owners to maintain the dogs relationships. Instead, we imagined an application that allows dogs to socialize without being too engaging for dog’s owners, and help discover new dog spots in an area. 


What does the app offer:

  • real-time information: the app displays the peak dog hours in your neighborhood and in popular spots (park, forest…) and indicates the number of dogs per hour that would help the owner organize their day for a walk

  • social network: the owner can add their dog’s friends and share their favorite path with them

  • memo: the owner can save routes and spots they want to use/visit another time, or as a souvenir to remember their trip


The application is developed mainly through Node.js, JavaScript and a series of modules, and uses Express as a framework. We also used :
   -    HTML, CSS for front-end development
   -    chart.js for chart data visualization
   -    leaflet map open source library to achieve the map display and interaction


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