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 Forbidden Island 

Java development

A collaborative multiplayer game inspired by Matt Leacock's Forbidden Island game.

My role

8 weeks
Java development
UI Designer, Developer
Java, IntelliJ



The project is inspired by Matt Leacock's game.
The island contains priceless archaeological treasures, which you have come to recover. But the island is sinking, its different parts are disappearing little by little, and the whole will soon be swallowed up by the waves. In this game, players must cooperate to slow the progress of the water long enough to retrieve four artifacts and escape by helicopter before the imminent and unavoidable disappearance of the island.


Game play

Forbidden Island is a team game that aims to acquire four artifacts scattered around the island by retrieving the corresponding keys and then returning to the helipad before the island is completely sunk. Players can perform up to three actions each turn.
At the end of each turn, a key is retrieved and three cells on the island are flooded.
At the second wave of flooding, the cells become submerged and thus inaccessible.

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