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Hit the bin!

AR and Tangible interaction

A mobile app that helps users recycle their waste in a more engaging way.

My role

5 weeks
Augmented Reality, Tangible interaction
Mobile app
UX Designer, Developer
Figma, Polycam, Unity, Vuforia


This project was realized during my second year of study in Human Computer Interaction.

The purpose of this course is to make us build a system using augmented reality and tangible interaction. As a team of 3, we designed an augmented reality app that encourage waste sorting behavior using Unity and Vuforia.





Sorting bins are growing in the streets but the reflex to throw waste inside takes longer. Also, people are still confused about the categories : are these bins made for organic waste? What is the green bin for? Where should I throw electronic waste? What if the bin is full ?
To solve this problem, I designed a trash indicator mobile app that helps and encourages people to sort their waste, and most importantly throw their waste at least.

Design process


Design concept,

Scenario of use


Prototype in Unity and


Design concept

Hit the bin is a mobile application that tracks the location, the capacity and the type of the bins and provide guidelines on how to throw the waste in our hand. We changed a little bit our initial concept toward a serious game using the same previous principles that would incite people people to throw garbage in a trash bin in a playful way.

The application contains :

    -    a scanning feature : the user scans its surroundings and is able to retrieve information about the bins in his perimeter, and about the waste in possession (type, capacity)

    -    a trash bin's map : access to the available and full bins in an area. One full bin will show a path to another close empty bin

    -    an AR visualization : display in AR the information and the score

We were aware of the benefit of gamifying the application. The aim is to include the largest number of people into actively throwing and sorting trash. One way we found was to use a device that most people -in northern countries- possess and to add a reward system.

Scenario of use

We drew a scenario of use.
Here is the context : the scenario takes place in the street. The user has a bottle in his hand and wants to throw it away. He opens the app and scans its surroundings.
The scenario of use begins at the first image n°1.

The scenario was helpful to define the functionalities and the mechanism of the serious game.
The mechanism should be easy to understand, we didn't want people to feel repulsed by the complexity of the educational game but to enjoy it.

Video prototype

Here is our video prototype of the system's mechanism in -almost- real settings. This video was filmed around Paris Saclay University campus.

We developed the application in Unity with Vuforia. The bins and the waste are recognizable through Image Targets that the system can detect, and displays information on top.

This demo does not represent a realistic scenario of use. The application is supposed to be used by one person, and the Image Targets of the waste are printed in big dimension. We couldn't track smaller image target with our smartphones.

Next steps ?

The purpose of this course was to implement a system, which was mission accomplished.
However, a few points could be improved :

    -    Instead of using an Image Target to recognize the waste, we could use a 3D Model Target for generic wastes (plastic bottle, cans, paper ball...)
  -    Use Area Targets to locate bins in one big area. Image Target cannot be scanned from a long distance to shoot for example
    -    User test of the application, what display could be improved ?
    -    Insert design methods to assess the design choice (Persona.. )
  -    Add a charitable donations system linked with the score. The higher the score, the higher the donation for environmental associations is. The reward should has a concrete impact


This project was fun to make. I've learnt a lot about Unity and Vuforia more than anything.

I discovered how powerful Augmented Reality can be. It makes us see the world in a different light, such as enabling and enhancing certain aspects of the real world.

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